
Penetration Testing

We take extra measures to ensure our customers are safe from cyber threats. We work with Northwave, who are team of security experts and Offensive Security Certified Professionals (OSCP), to provide insight in vulnerabilities in your IT environment or web application. We can perform the NW Penetration Test once or periodically to ensure your defence is secure. Penetration testing is designed to expose any vulnerabilities in your defence before it’s too late. We work with Northwave’s team of experienced and Offensive Security Professional (OSCP) certified experts who conduct the test to provide insight in vulnerabilities in your IT environment or web application. Our Penetration Test report provides a clear rating of findings based on the industry standard Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS3), and reports containing reproduceable results, evidence, risk assessments and actionable advice. Many organisations invest heavily in digital security controls and have spent time and effort developing procedures and processes to counteract cyber-attack, but many have never tested these to see if they are fit for purpose in this ever evolving digital world. It takes regular and repeatable testing cycles to ensure that an organisation is ready to protect and respond to comprise of digital platforms and it often requires sophisticated approaches to replicate and simulate the types of attacks an organisation may face. In many cases testing needs to go far beyond simple exercising of digital systems to identify potential vulnerabilities and move more towards actually testing the resilience of a company’s digital estate and associated operations. We have a well-established pedigree in providing testing mission critical services and capabilities for the UK public sector and defence communities, and has built on this to develop the longest established dedicated security and penetration testing team in the world. Our experts can work with organisations to simulate real-world scenarios and test the digital systems of an enterprise in a way that emulates the attack methods threat actors in order to practically, but safely and ethically, test an organisation’s digital resilience posture.

Comments (20)

Jesse Sinkler
20 August, 2021

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered in some injected humour or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.

Daniel Wellman
20 August, 2021

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered in some injected humour or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.

Kenneth Evans
20 August, 2021

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered in some injected humour or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.


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